Sunday, May 29, 2011

Scottie Pippen...

Ok sportsfans....let's be serious.  Is it possible that Michael Jordan forgot to buy Scottie Pippen a christmas gift?  Forgot his birthday?  Beat him up? 

Something bad had to happen between them for Scottie Pippen to compare MJ to LBJ this soon.  Even going as far as saying that Lebron is a better player.

Now, don't get me wrong, Lebron is hands down the best player in basketball.   However, he has a long way to go before he'll be better than his airness.   The rings, the MVP's the Finals MVP's, a Defensive Player of The Year and numerous scoring titles...LBJ has a long way to go.

But...on the flipside, if LBJ stays healthy, he could play another 8-10 years at a high level.  He definitely will win more MVP's than Jordan, he possibly will win a DPOY award he'll have plenty of opportunities to win championships.  Let's make this comparison again in 10 years.

Until then, lets see if LBJ can do his part to make Scottie's comments a reality.


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